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Our Mission

PRAYING THROUGH ministries, a nonprofit 501(c)(3), exists to deliver the hope of the gospel to families navigating the dark seasons of pregnancy, infertility, childhood illness, childhood hospitalizations, and/or child loss through tangible faith-based resources, ongoing support, and fervent prayer.

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A Message from the Founder

This ministry was birthed out of the hardships and suffering we have endured and continue to endure with our son, Ezra. 


In my third trimester of pregnancy with Ezra I began experiencing intrusive thoughts that I just couldn’t shake. When I took my confusion to the Lord, He instructed me to “Read through the book of Psalms. Circle the ones I tell you to circle. Start praying them and don’t stop until I tell you.” 


I faithfully prayed God’s word back to Him for a month until our son made his appearance at 42 weeks, weighing just 4 lbs 14 oz. Almost immediately I realized I was stepping onto a battlefield. This was the uneasiness I couldn’t shake. My son was sick. 


When Ezra had a seizure at 36 hours, I completely froze. I couldn’t remember my address for the 911 dispatcher. I fumbled. I sobbed. Despite all the prayers I had prayed, in the shock and trauma of our circumstances, I couldn’t even utter a word. 


But I’ll never forget what happened that night in the wee hours of the morning in the NICU hospital lounge. I opened my Bible (one of the things I grabbed in the chaos), and there they were—all the prayers I needed to pray, circled. I didn’t have to think. I didn’t have to string together words. God, in His faithfulness, went ahead of me giving me the exact words I needed to pray in our darkest, most trying season. 


And that is our mission here at Praying Through ministries, to provide families with not only words to pray in their darkest hour, but gospel hope to cling to in the storms of life. 

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Meet Our Leadership Team

Meet Our Volunteers

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