Gabriel Jordan’s Story
On January 3, 2022, at their 20-week ultrasound, Brooke and JT received devastating news that changed their lives forever. “Your baby does not have a heartbeat.” This news came as a complete shock to the couple given their two previous two textbook pregnancies.
Because Brooke was so far along, she was sent to the hospital the next day to deliver her son. “Having to go through labor knowing your child has already passed was horrific,” shares Brooke. But despite the circumstances, as any loving mother would, Brooke recounts marveling at her son’s face, tiny body, and little arms and legs before being forced to say a heartwrenching goodbye. With vulnerability and authenticity, Brooke also shares, “Being wheeled out of the labor and delivery unit without my baby was awful. It was the worst thing we have ever been through.”
An Opportunity to Honor
On Gabriel’s due date, Brooke wanted to do something to honor her son and simultaneously provide tangible hope to other mothers walking through child loss. As a member of the Praying Through ministries online community for Child Loss, Brooke has been on the receiving end of outreach and support. “Praying Through ministries has blessed me in so many ways. They have provided a community in which I feel comfortable sharing my story and my struggles. I have found the sense of community to be crucial, as the grief journey often feels lonely,” said Brooke. When Brooke learned of our Ambassador Program to deliver the hope of Christ, she knew this would be the perfect opportunity to honor Gabriel and comfort mothers walking through child loss at her local Obstetricians and Gynecology office and at Kettering Health in Ohio.
Through a book drive, Brooke’s friends and family purchased 20 copies of the devotional “Loved Baby” by Sarah Philpott from her Amazon Wish List. “The hope we have clung to during this time is the promise that we will see Gabriel again in Heaven. I pray these devotionals paired with the support Praying Through ministries provides, will point these mamas to Jesus as they journey through grief,” shares Brooke.
Brooke was shocked by the outpouring of support from her friends and family as she reached her goal of 20 books in just one day. She shared, “It felt great to see the books appearing at my door and knowing I would be able to bless another mama going through this. ” Each donated book was matched with an encouraging note from Praying Through ministries, a gift tag in honor of Gabriel, and a sticker of Biblical hope and encouragement.

The Blessing in being a Blessing
Brooke found enjoyment in preparing the outreach for families–from handwriting each note to penning her son’s name on each gift tag. “It was comforting to write his name on each gift tag and to know that others would not forget him. What a blessing it is to know that Gabriel is part of a legacy that offers hope and comfort.”
As to be expected, on Gabriel’s due date Brooke experienced a range of emotions. “I was sad thinking about how I should be holding my son, alive, in my arms. I was grateful to have such amazing family and friends to support me during this time. I was nervous to go back to the doctor’s office where I received the news and to the hospital where I delivered him,” shared Brooke thoughtfully. But despite her feelings, as a true servant of the Lord, Brooke leaned into the Lord in her discomfort. Knowing in her weakness His power would be made strong, Brooke delivered outreach to women in her community. She shares that part of the blessing in being a blessing was, “I was proud of myself for moving through fear to serve others.”
Would you like to honor a child who has passed or celebrate a NICU or PICU graduate through our Ambassador Outreach Program? We would be honored to link arms with you as you deliver the hope of Christ to families at your local hospital or OB office. Visit our Ambassador page for more details.