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Weekly Devotion: How do we persevere with hope when life looks differently than expected?

By: Amber Palmer

Scripture reading

How do we persevere with hope when life looks differently than we expected?


God heard the cries from the Israelites and through a series of glorious acts, God sets them free from slavery. From the abundant land of Egypt, the Israelites find themselves in the wilderness, hungry, thirsty, and disappointed with how their new life is turning out. Within two months of desert dwelling, the Israelites grumble and cry out again, wondering if God will provide for them or let them die in the barren land. 

Again, God hears their cries.


You might be wondering, how can you trust God when life is not as you expected and your prayers feel unanswered.

“I have heard the Israelites’ complaints. Now tell them, ‘In the evening you will have meat to eat, and in the morning you will have all the bread you want. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God.’” Exodus 16:12 


Forty-five days have passed since the Israelites' feet touched Egyptian ground. Even though they have been through a lot and experienced miraculous wonders from God, it doesn’t take long for them to develop a cycle of grumbling and complaining about their new living conditions. The life they thought they left Egypt for doesn’t quite match their expectations. I think it’s safe to say they even bought into the lie that God was holding out on them.


Exodus 16:12

As the Israelites become increasingly uncomfortable with hunger, Exodus 16 not only depicts more grumbling but records them actually crying out for their life back in Egypt.  With dry mouths, growling stomachs, and empty hearts, the Israelites lost sight of their trust in God and in His provisions. Nothing resembled the life they hoped for outside of bondage. They desired their past life or one better than they were currently living. 


Despite the wandering group’s doubts and complaining, God responds with loving kindness and tells Moses He is going to rain bread down from heaven.  Although the Israelites’ stomachs were empty, their spirit was depleted of nourishment. Despite the miracles they witnessed up until that point, they still doubted God’s provisions. 


God not only rained manna from heaven for the Israelites to partake in, but He brought down the bread of life, Jesus, our Savior for all. In John 6:41, Jesus tells His disciples, “I am the bread that came down from heaven,” and in verse 48, He repeats this truth, “I am the bread of life.”  One of my favorite details God weaves in His Word is Jesus being born in Bethlehem which translates to the house of bread. He is our everyday manna!

When you go on to read the rest of Exodus 16-20 you will read how God continually provided for the wandering group.  Although God’s provisions “looked” and “tasted’ different than they expected, He still heard their cries and provided for them with manna, water, and sabbath rest. 


Maybe like the Israelites, you’re walking through the wilderness of hospital hallways, empty bedrooms, or a heartbreaking diagnosis. You are weary from this season you’re in,  struggling to see God in your circumstances and disappointed with the way life looks.


We pray the story of the Israelites springs forth hope in your heart that God does hear your cries. He doesn’t always answer our pain, tears, and disappointment in the way we want, but friends, we can take heart that He is faithful to provide. Despite our circumstances and in the midst of suffering, He hears, He knows and He supplies us with His goodness.


Heavenly Father, you are so faithful to me. You hear my cries and know the pain of my suffering. No matter my circumstances, You are my great provider. Lord, help me to trust you with all my heart in the midst of this wilderness season. Although it might appear to be barren, you provide me with all the manna I need. Open my eyes to see your goodness all around me and my family.  Lord, use it to draw me closer to you and help me to dwell in your sabbath rest.

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Dig Deeper

Reflection Questions:

  1. In what ways has God provided for you in your circumstances?

  2. Do you struggle to trust God to provide for you and your children? What is something you can do to help you rest in His provisions?

Put Your Faith Into Action:

The story of the Israelites demonstrates that sometimes we have to let go of our expectations and trust God in the way He provides. God is faithful and has great purpose for you and your children. We can trust Him to show up in our lives.

This week, we challenge you to write out all the ways you have seen God’s provision and goodness in your circumstances. Include your family and praise God for showing up even if His provision looks different than you expected it to look.

ex: A kind nurse. 

      Friends who provided dinner this week.

      A beautiful sunset.

      Praying family and friends.

Further Reading:

  1. Philippians 4:19

  2. Psalm 23:1

  3. Isaiah 55:8-9

Verses to Meditate On:

Psalm 23:1

Kysa Schafer writer

Amber Palmer lives in a small farming town with her husband of 16 years and recently dipped her toes into the wild water rapids of parenting two teens. She has a big heart for encouraging women to live from the deepest peace of Jesus. Through her writing, Amber guides her readers to keep their eyes locked on Jesus through the heartbreaking and beautiful moments life may bring. She knows His presence and peace makes all the difference!


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