By: Becca Tomasello
Matthew 14:29-31 (NLT) says: "So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. “Save me, Lord!” he shouted. Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt me?”"
Week 2 of Advent we light the Candle of Peace. We find peace in knowing that Christ, our Savior was born. Today’s scripture reminds us to continue seeking peace in Jesus today. Peter found peace in the storm and was able to walk with Jesus when he put his focus on Him. As soon as he let circumstance around him become his focus, Peter began to sink. Yet, with a simple cry, “Save me, Lord!” Jesus saved Peter from drowning.
For families walking through heavy trials and heartache, it can be difficult to keep our focus on Jesus — even when we have a strong faith. The fear and pain of our circumstances can confuse our hearts and cloud our vision. This passage reminds us that even when we lose sight of the peace in front of us, Jesus will lift us up and keep us from drowning in our suffering. In our darkest moments, Jesus is still there. When you don’t have the words to articulate your thoughts and feeling, “save me, Lord” is all you need to say.
As we continue through Advent, we remember that Jesus gives us peace — even in the chaos of the storms we face. The birth of Jesus brought peace and we can still tap into that peace today. When we feel like we cannot be strong, we can find comfort and strength in Him.
Father, As I seek You this season, a season that is meant to be joyful and peaceful, I come to you with a heaviness that weighs upon me. Though a storm surrounds me, help me to feel your supernatural peace. Lord, save me from the waves that threaten to overtake me. I know even in my struggles, you are not far from me, you are with me. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.
Dig Deeper
Reflection Questions:
What are some trials that are keeping you from focusing on Jesus?
How can you refocus on Jesus this week?
Put your faith in Action:
Though we are in the busyness of the holiday season, set some time aside to sit with Jesus. Read his word and pray. Set your focus on Him and be intentional about it; even if it is only 5 minutes.
Further Reading:
Isaiah 26:3
2 Thessalonians 3:16
How can we rely on the Lord to bring us peace?
Verse to Meditate On:
John 16:33
Colossians 3:15
Hebrews 12:11-14
James 3:17-18
Becca Tomasello is a writer for Praying Through Ministries. She has a Bachelors Degree in English and a Masters Degree in Children's Ministry. She has been working or volunteering in Children's and Youth Ministry for 10 years.